Stuffed Tofu Roast

I found this recipe on the counter of Holland & Barrett last December and decided to cook it for my Xmas dinner. I've just found my description of the recipe and a photo that I can share...

crumble block of tofu (no lumps) into a mixing bowl,

add rosemary and thyme

and a pint of stock

leave to soak for an hour

Pour into a muslin cloth or tea towel

and press in a colander overnight

Next day, scoop out the middle of the tofu

leaving a 1-inch thick shell - set the middle bit aside

the stuffing was:

onion (x1) + garlic (couple of cloves)

celery (x 2 sticks)

mushroom (2 portobello diced)

with 1/2 cup soya sauce + pinch of salt and tsp pepper

rosemary thyme sage (1/4 cup mixed dried)

and finally 4 cups of breadcrumbs + some sesame oil

fried up with a tbsp oil

Pack it down into the tofu shell

just managed to fill up the shell plus some but packed it down

and then topped it with the tofu that was hollowed out

firmly pressed down

Thus we now have a filling encased completely in tofu

Upturn the colander on a baking tray

peel off the muslin cloth

and you have a white dome of tofu with flecks of herbs

For basting - mix up:

1/4 cup oil

1/4 cup orange juice

3 tbsp wholegrain mustard

2 tsp soya sauce

and 2 tbsp of maple syrup

basted every 20 mins .. cooked for an hour at 180C ...