Experiments with Miso

Miso keeps for a long long time in the fridge... Tahini also keeps well in the fridge... So stock up on them for a quick, tasty nutritious dish that takes a few minutes to make...

Pasta Dishes

1. Mugi Miso (barley miso) is quite a dark miso with a strong flavour. This was one of my first tests... mixed with a darkish and strong Chinese tahini...

I had boiled the pasta, fried up some mushrooms, tomatoes, some green - spinach, broccoli or kale are really good... when nearly done, I stirred the miso tahini sauce into the vegetables and added the pasta ... mixed it up and served ...

- Mix 2 tablespoons of mugi miso and 2 of tahini together. Add a teaspoon of mustard, a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon or two of olive oil and water to make a somewhat runny mixture... don't worry too much about adding more water... I think the other ingredients are somewhat flexible too...

The mustard brings out a slightly cheesy flavour... but this was a rich combination... a little too rich for k...

2. Next was Light Miso mixed with finely chopped walnuts ... again.. watered down with a little oil, mustard and some lemon juice. The lighter miso and walnuts went down better with k, this time... and this time it was going to be mixed with small chunks of aubergine... aubergine/miso/walnuts - is getting close to a ma po tofu... add ginger too...

I just squeezed about a tablespoon or so into a jug, and then added a small handful of chopped walnuts... oil, lemon, mustard, water - stirred up with a fork and poured over the veg and pasta... easy...

3. Simply pasta and sauce for lunch - Light Miso and Japanese Neri-goma (sesame paste/tahini)... This was a very quick recipe... I had some leftover cooked pasta... mixed up the miso and sesame paste... added a little mustard, olive oil and enough water to make it runny-ish .. poured over the pasta, heated it through and served with a little tomato ketchup... Didn't have any veg in the house... but this dish is rich in protein and tastes good...